Moses on Mushrooms
It's interesting how high heresy is being elevated to tabloid news. It's also interesting how those heresies contradict each other.
Other researchers say there is no evidence whatsoever that Israel was ever enslaved by Egypt; the theory of Moses on narcotics require the enslavement to have occured.
Other historians say that Moses' miracles (water to blood, staff to snake, frogs, plague, darkness) were the result of Egyptian temple stage magic and the death of the firstborn of Egypt was a concerted effort on the behalf of the Israelites to assassinate thousands. This would require Moses, after being FULLY CONVINCED by becoming high, to take matters into his own hands and perform stage magic replicating the effects he saw when high (staff to snake, leprous hand).
Each heretical explanation requires a DIFFERENT part of the historical account to be false, but requires THE REST to be true. It is logically impossible.
The heretical explanations all have this in common: they deny the reality of God, or His honesty or character.
Other researchers say there is no evidence whatsoever that Israel was ever enslaved by Egypt; the theory of Moses on narcotics require the enslavement to have occured.
Other historians say that Moses' miracles (water to blood, staff to snake, frogs, plague, darkness) were the result of Egyptian temple stage magic and the death of the firstborn of Egypt was a concerted effort on the behalf of the Israelites to assassinate thousands. This would require Moses, after being FULLY CONVINCED by becoming high, to take matters into his own hands and perform stage magic replicating the effects he saw when high (staff to snake, leprous hand).
Each heretical explanation requires a DIFFERENT part of the historical account to be false, but requires THE REST to be true. It is logically impossible.
The heretical explanations all have this in common: they deny the reality of God, or His honesty or character.
So true. I would venture a guess that anyone using their own thoughts, or borrowing thoughts from someone else (whose thoughts are in error) will inevitably arrive at the wrong (false) conclusion. Why is that? Because the human mind is designed in such a way that it requires a foundation for belief (for what we think is true). That foundation can be found among these three:
- our own thoughts
- the thoughts of other people
- God's thought
Perhaps it is true that we generate our own thoughts, but one thing is for sure, perhaps much of what we think (and therefore speak) is influenced from somewhere outside ourselves (better know as inspiration, such as when writing a poem or song that comes to mind).
Also, we can mix any of those three possibilities to make all kinds of other possibilities as to what our thought foundation is - at any given moment because it is subject to change.
The important question is, on what does someone base that which they call 'true'? Is it based on their own opinion simply because it seems right to them? Or something someone else told them? Or do they base what they believe is true on what God says - (whose thoughts are the words contained in the Holy Bible).
Here's an example:
"did you know that Jesus Christ is God?" "No, I believe he was just a good teacher." "A Teacher hu? How do you know he was just a good teacher and not God in the flesh?"
Here are the foundations in action ...
- "I just believe it" (our own thoughts)
- "Uncle George told me Jesus was just a good Teacher." (the thoughts of other people)
- "Jesus was who He said He was, God incarnate in the flesh because the Holy Bible says so." (God's thoughts)
Based on those possibilities, it appears that the historians and researchers used the first two of the three possibilities to arrive at their conclusion, which, inevitably, will be incorrect (false, not true).
Anonymous, at 9:11 PM
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