The God-Shaped Hole!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Eternal Weekend

There are three basic types of Christians. Each believes Heaven is like part of the week.

As children, we all believe Heaven is an eternal Saturday, with games, playing, happiness, fun, and casual reading.

I know people who believe Heaven is an eternal Sunday, with worship all the time, forever.

I've heard about Christians who believe there will be work for us to do in Heaven.

That last option intrigues me, and it makes sense intellectually. After all, why go to the trouble of educating us during all our hundred year lives, if we'll never use that for the rest of Eternity?

But I believe that even if there is work, it'll be analogous to a true work week, with fun-and-worship weekends, and every work day will feel like an eternal Friday afternoon, when I'm most productive because I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Of course, I'd love to hang out with God in the Infinite Library for a good ten thousand years or so, catching up on my reading. He'll have me work when He knows I'm ready to work.

And don't get me wrong, I look forward to the purity of worshipping God in His presence; I just don't think he'd waste the other capacities of humanity, the capacities for fun, for learning, and for work that He gave us. After all, He is the God of change, of growth, and of laughter.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Messianic Stuff

A bit more of this Messianic end-of-the-world stuff, then back to the postmodern dissections of how popular culture points to God.

"For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?"

Paul speaks in Romans 11 of the future destiny of Israel. The chosen nation of God unwittingly sacrificed Jesus, and God accepted the sacrifice for all who call out to Him for salvation. This verse is a prophecy that the physical raising of the dead, will take place when Israel accepts Jesus as Messiah.

Many nations may be destroyed by that time, even America, but when Israel accepts the King of Kings, all wrongs will be righted, and there will be peace.

But first will come the false Messiah, and he will come with signs and wonders so great that, if God had not reserved for Himself a remnant, even Christians would accept this false Jesus.

Satan's so crafty, he'll probably find some way to fake an anti-Christ before the real one, to make people think his is the real deal. That's just a guess, folks.


Your thoughts?